How’s your greenfield project game?
Here’s something a lot of devs would like to hear:
I’d say that anyone at senior level (and definitely above1) should have some justified2 thoughts on the greenfield question:
jdupes: file de-duplication tool
This simple guide to jdupes is split into traffic light sections 🚦 based on the danger of the commands.
If you want some file de-duplication test data, there’s a simple repo at
Orthogonal flight path intersection: my own solution
After seeing my post on ChatGPT dazzle, a friend asked what the code for that exact problem would look like if I rewrote it in a better way.
I did criticise the original code, so it’s fair that I should show my own version.
Beware of ChatGPT dazzle
I’ve long known about the power of computer visualisation to dazzle and distract, to give cover to bad or poorly supported ideas. The case study I saw at university was about a famous computer animation of the single-bullet theory in the JFK assassination.
This general idea of dazzle pops up in different contexts over the years. Most recently we can see ChatGPT and other AI tools being used in some very low-effort dazzle attempts.
Here’s a recent example in a post from Twitter:
How this site is built and published
Meta-content time!
As the site develops, this post will be updated.
Artisan bread and pizza iOS app: details
I’m a big fan of Flour Water Salt Yeast, Ken Forkish’s epic book on fancy bread1.
Hence I’m writing a recipe app for fancy artisanal bread and pizza. For these loaves the ingredient calculations go a bit beyond bog standard bread2.
The Lost Clock Emporium: details
Here’s a few details about the weird clocks in the previous post The Lost Clock Emporium.
The clocks are all regular analogue clocks (rotation aside), with the exception of Hades’ Timepiece, which has numbers and hands going counter-clockwise (so a mirror image of a normal clock).
The entire clocks are rotating clockwise at these rates (per day):
The Lost Clock Emporium
I can’t remember exactly how I ended up at the Lost Clock Emporium. I do remember brushing by disturbed looking people making their way out.
“Clock a load of you!”, the proprietor muttered, before looking up. “Sorry, no time for introductions, I have things to show you.”
Xor Xor Gabor
If you’re working with image processing and discrete Fourier transforms (frequency analysis/filtering)1 you need test images, and possibly even videos.
Xor Xor Gabor2 is my name for an easy to make test image (and video) that is a nutritious source of frequencies:
$$ i = x \oplus y \tag{\(0 <= x,y < 2^L\)} $$Ohmaps (part 2)
More on Ohmaps: component failure battles, limitations, ambiguity…
Disclaimer: I am not an electrician. Nothing here is electrical advice/expertise. Insure your garments.