What is this?
- A slight style-guide
- A page for verifying the rendering
In typographic contexts an abecedarium is a display or test piece that showcases letters, often demonstrating a typeface’s design or elements of typography. The word derives from the Latin word for “alphabet,” stemming from the first few letters (A, B, C).
Style guide
- The first letter of a footnote isn’t capitalised
- The last sentence in a footnote doesn’t have a full stop
- Footnote reference at end of sentence:
- Use em-dash if something isn’t a hyphen by entering
(two hyphens) - Quotation marks for italicised text are not themselves italicised, e.g. “the best code is the code you don’t have to write” (compare to “this”)
- Use
to signal where the preview ends: <!--more--> - insert
(zero-width space) to stop Hugo interpreting things you want to appear literally (see line above)
Rendering checks
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Header 4
Here’s a swift code block (with 4 space indent in actual code):
if userList.isEmptyNil {
print("userList is nil or userList.isEmpty = true")
// and perhaps we could have an opposite to .isEmptyNil:
if userList.hasData {
print("userList is non-nil and .isEmpty = false")
Code block with long line, no indent (verify right margin not bonched):
extension Emptyness {
@available(*, deprecated, message: "calling isEmptyNil on a non-optional is safe, but it is recommended you call isEmpty instead")
Code block for console
Optional(User(name: "", age: 30))
Code block without lang marker:
if userList.isEmptyNil {
print("userList is nil or userList.isEmpty = true")
// and perhaps we could have an opposite to .isEmptyNil:
if userList.hasData {
print("userList is non-nil and .isEmpty = false")
Clock js
Note that {{< clock-import >}} is required in page for clocks.
Static hour hand:
Double clock (Hades demo):
Standalone at /clock
(no start button, realtime, should be correct time):
Standalone at /clock2
(already started, double hands, fast):
There’s a spacer below this:
Horizontal rule below this:
Text with inline code someCode += 1
Header 1 with someCode += 1
Header 2 with someCode += 1
Header 3 with someCode += 1
Header 4 with someCode += 1