Ohmaps (part 2)
More on Ohmaps: component failure battles, limitations, ambiguity…
Disclaimer: I am not an electrician. Nothing here is electrical advice/expertise. Insure your garments.
See also part 1
Not every rectangle picture you can draw represents a circuit. For example, what would this be?1
And not every resistor network can be shown as an ohmap – things outwith simple series/parallel nestings, like delta or Y networks.
However, there are ways to to convert these to parallel and series representation, then they’re ohmap-able.
Some ohmaps look ambiguous, like this one:
Is this a parallel-inside-series or a series-inside-parallel circuit?
It’s either! It’s both! You can choose, the resulting resistance is the same2.
And likewise for any other diagrams that look ambiguous (i.e. with a ‘+’ crossing in them) – all interpretations are valid and end up with the same resistance overall.
If you wanted to signal a preference for the arrangement, bold lines could be used:
Component failure resolution: let’s do battle!
Two basic ways a component can fail in a circuit are:
- short: component has zero resistance
- break: component has infinite resistance3
The geometric nature of ohmaps offers us an interesting way to see how these kinds of failures resolve using a mnemonic/visual mode of thinking.
The question is: if a component on an Ohmap shorts or breaks, what happens to the circuit?
What would a short look like on an ohmap? A short is zero resistance – think aspect ratio \(0/1 = 0 \; \Omega\) – so it would be a vertical line.
What would a break look like on an ohmap? A break is no connection i.e. infinite resistance resistance – akin to aspect ratio \(1/0 \Rightarrow \infty \; \Omega\) – so it would be a horizontal line.
Let’s use letters to represent a short and break, but with those lines incorporated in the appropriate directions4:
Finally, we need to be aware that any component in an ohmap can be in one of three places:
- top level component (the only one) – in which case, if it’s a short or break, game over man, your circuit is dead/battery exploding
- part of a horizontal box – i.e. in series with other components
- part of a vertical box – i.e. in parallel with other components
If the component is in one of the kinds of box, we must do battle. Here’s how:
The line through the S or B letter is a spear. Think about a real spear: in the direction it points, it’s powerful and defeating (it wins). But side-on, a spear is useless and easily defeated. And that’s how to decide the fate of a box with an S or B inside it:
- if the spear points in the direction of the box layout (horizontally or vertically), it defeats the other components in the box – they all disappear, the S or B is the only remaining item
- the spear is ‘side on’ to the direction of the box, it’s useless, so the other components ‘defeat’ it – the S or B is removed from the box, leaving everything else in the box
Here’s some sketches of the four possibilities:
And that’s how you do a battle. After a single battle, if the spear ‘won’, do a battle on the new layout. After all battles are resolved, there are two possibilities:
- your S or B ends up as the only top-level component: your circuit is bereft of life, it rests in peace, it is an ex-circuit
- the S or B was vanquished: you still have some kind of circuit connected5
having boldly disparaged this poor rectangle, I also encourage you sometimes to bloody-mindedly explore the ‘silly things’ and just plow into it and see if you can make it make sense somehow. For a great example of ‘hidden treasure’, see the antimatter prediction of the Dirac Equation, which Dirac didn’t even realise himself until later ↩︎
the two pictures are grouping components by a) same current flow, b) same voltage drop, which obviously might be an interesting detail internally. Moving from (a) to (b) is just the addition of one connection across the middle of the parallel circuit ↩︎
sometimes the word ‘open’ is used on circuit diagrams to show what I call a ‘break’ ↩︎
If there’s any ambiguity in remembering which way the lines go, just think of the S looking like a dollar sign $ – electronics are expensive, right? ↩︎
but what it’s doing is another matter; your 80s memorabilia collection may be at risk of fire ↩︎